Vitamin – A: (Fat Soluble)
It maintains health of specialized tissues such as the retina
It aids in growth and health of skin and mucous membranes.
It promotes normal development of teeth, soft and skeletal tissues.
Source of Vitamin – A
Vitamin A comes from animal sources and dairy products and Beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, comes from green leafy vegetables and intensely colored fruits and vegetables such as….
Egg, Meat, Cod-Lever Oil, Butter, Milk, Ripe Mango, Carrot, Papaya, Cabbage
Deficiency can lead to: Retarded Growth, Night Blindness, Diseased Epithelium, Dry Scaly Skin, Colds, Bronchitis, Diarrhea, Exophthalmia
Vitamin – B (P.P. Factor) (Water Soluble)
Vitamin B is for Proper Carbohydrate, Metabolism, Nervous System,
Source of Vitamin – B
Mutton, Yeast, Peanuts, Tomato, Potato, Whole Grain, Cereals, Green Vegetables
Deficiency can lead to: Pellagra, Glossitis, Dermatitis, Psychosis, and Diarrhea
Vitamin – B1
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is found in fortified breads and cereals, fish, lean meats and milk. It is used for Growth, Appetite, Normal Intestinal Function, Nerve and Muscle Function.
Source of Vitamin – B1
Meat, Liver, Potato, Peas, Milk, Whole Grain Cereals
Deficiency can lead to: Beriberi, Loss in Weight, Loss of Appetite, Enervation, Defective Carbohydrate, and Metabolism.
Vitamin – B2
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) works with other B vitamins to promote healthy growth and tissue repair, and helps release energy from carbohydrates. It is used for healthy skin, healthy red blood cell production, mouth and eyes.
Source of Vitamin – B2:
Meat, Chicken, Egg, Milk, Soya Beans, Butter, Green Vegetables
Deficiency can lead to: Retarded Growth, Dim Vision, Photophobia, Keratitis, Blistered Tongue, Premature Senility.
Vitamin – B3
An inability to absorb niacin (vitamin B3) or the amino acid tryptophan may cause pellagra, a disease characterized by scaly sores, mucosal changes and mental symptoms.
Source of Vitamin – B3
Food sources of Niacin (vitamin B3) include dairy, poultry, fish, lean meat, nuts and eggs.
Vitamin – B6 (Water Soluble)
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is important for maintaining healthy brain function, the formation of red blood cells, the breakdown of protein and the synthesis of antibodies in support of the immune system. This is used for proper metabolism of amino acids, disease-resistance and anti emetic.
Source of Vitamin – B6
Milk, Mutton, Fish, Dry Fruits and Nuts, Whole Grain Cereals, Peas, Pulses.
Deficiency can lead to: Anaemia, Atrophied, Lymph Tissues, and Poor Resistance against Diseases.
Vitamin – B9 (Folate)
Folate aids in the production of red blood cells and in the synthesis of DNA cell. Folate works with B12 and vitamin C to help the body digest and utilize proteins.
Source of Vitamin – B9:
Food sources Folate include Beans and Legumes, Citrus Fruits and Juices, Whole Grains, Dark Green Leafy Vegetables, Poultry, Pork, Shellfish and Liver.
Vitamin – B12 (Water Soluble)
Vitamin B12 is important for metabolism, the formation of red blood cells, and the maintenance of the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord.
Source of Vitamin – B12:
Mutton, Egg, Liver, Butter, Milk Products, Poultry and Shellfish
Deficiency can lead to: Pernicious Anaemia.
Vitamin – C (Water Soluble)
Vitamin C promotes a healthy immune system, helps wounds heal, maintains connective tissue and aids in the absorption of iron. It is for healthy gums & teeth, sound blood vessels, rapid healing resistance against flu and colds.
Source of Vitamin – C:
Cabbage, Tomatoes, Guava, Grapes, Orange , Lemon, Amla, Green Vegetables, Cucumber, Broccoli, Citrus Fruits, Green Peppers, Strawberries
Deficiency can lead to: Scurvy, Swollen Gums, Bursting of Blood capilolaries.
Vitamin – D (Water Soluble)
Vitamin D promotes the body’s absorption of calcium essential to development of healthy bones and teeth. The body itself makes vitamins D when it is exposed to the sun. It is for proper utilization of calcium & phosphorous, formation of bones and teeth.
Source of Vitamin – D:
Butter, Milk, Egg, Cod Liver Oil, fish, Sun-Light, Cheese, Margarine,
Deficiency can lead to: Rickets, poor growth, weak teeth and bones, tooth decay.
Vitamin – E (Fat Soluble)
Vitamin E protects cell membranes and tissues from damage by oxidation, aids in the formation of red blood cells and the use of vitamin K, it also promotes function of a healthy circulatory system. Vitamin E supplements are not proven to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Source of Vitamin – E:
Butter, Milk, Egg, Cod Liver Oil, Vegetable Oil, Apple, Green Vegetable, Banana, Soya-Beans
Deficiency can lead to: Sterility, Muscular paralysis.
Vitamin – K (Fat Soluble)
Vitamin K benefits blood clotting and used for normal blood coagulation and liver functioning..
Source of Vitamin – K:
Vegetable Oil, Meat, Liver, Green Vegetables (Cabbage, Cauliflower, Spinach and other leafy vegetables) Tomato, Soya-Beans and Cereals
Deficiency can lead to: Haemorrhage.
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